Create an advanced filter

You can filter events at the start of a query using an arbitrary expression containing ANDs, ORs, or NOTs.

To create an advanced filter:

  1. In your query definition, go to the Filtered to field.

  2. Type an equals sign to access the expression builder.

  3. (Optional) Click the small new window icon to the right of the equals sign to open the Advanced Operations window.

  4. Type and use suggestions to build your advanced filter.

The filter expressions can include your event data or your lookup table data. The expressions support standard JavaScript syntax for Booleans, as well as generic matches. For example:

  • =MATCHES([action], “like”, “love”)

  • =DOES_NOT_MATCH([action], “like”, “love”)

  • =IS_EMPTY([action])

  • =IS_NOT_EMPTY([action])

For more information about supported functions and syntax, see Calculate measures and filters with the expression builder